Pet Care

Pet-Inclusive Living: Write a Pet Resume!

What is a pet resume?


Just like a resume you would create for a job, a pet resume is a summary of your pet’s qualities and personality traits that demonstrates your responsibility as a pet owner and shows that your pet will not cause problems in your prospective new rental.

Even if a pet-friendly property doesn’t require a pet resume, including one with your application may put you in a higher standing with property management. It may also be useful if you are trying to persuade a property owner that currently has a no-pet policy.


Including all of the following basics will ensure that you have a well-rounded resume for your landlord to review:

Photo: Include a high-quality, happy-looking photo of your pet to show your new landlord your pet’s personality. We suggest choosing a photo that shows your pet playing with children, or engaging with seniors.

Name: Introduce your pet by name. This creates a specific connection for the landlord.

Age: Include your pet’s age, keeping in mind that property management might be more willing to accept an adult animal rather than a puppy or kitten

Breed: Breed identification is especially important if you have a dog as some properties have breed restrictions.

Weight and Size: Without knowing your pet’s temperament, their weight and size will often be the main consideration of the property owner because some believe it to be an indicator of how much damage the pet can cause to the property.

Health: Health history should include whether your pet is spayed/neutered and their vaccinations. If your pet has any relevant health issues, you will include them in this section. Many landlords will not accept pets that are not spayed/neutered. Consider getting this procedure done before starting your hunt for a new home, if possible.

Training and Skills: Be sure to include all your pet’s training and skills, including future plans to attend training classes. Any positive skills or experience, such as spending time with sick children or seniors, can reassure landlords that they will be well-behaved. If your pet has undergone obedience training, puppy classes, etc. This is all excellent information to include in this section of the resume.

About Your Pet: In this section, you can explain your relationship with your pet, including how long you’ve owned them or if they have lived in an apartment before. Include their likes and dislikes, favorite pastime and what you love most about them.

Care Routine: Explain your care routine so your property manager knows that they will be well cared for and when/if they will be left alone in the home.

References: We highly recommend including references for your pet on your resume. Include references that will provide a positive description of your pet. If your pet has lived in a rental property before, a former landlord would be a good choice to include.

Things to consider when writing a pet resume:

  • Do you take them to pet daycare? Do you have a pet-sitter come by throughout the day?
  • How often do they get to go outside?
  • How often do they get groomed or bathed?
  • Do they have a bedtime routine? If so, what time do they go to bed?
  • Who cares for your pet when you are away at work, school, or vacation?


To start writing your own pet resume, download your own resume here: My Pet’s Resume

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