
Melvin’s Story: Hit by a car and in need of help!
March 7, 2023

This is Melvin’s story.

This little grump may look familiar to some of you if you live in the Meadowbank area.

Several weeks ago, we put out an emergency call for help in the middle of the night on social media. Animal Protection Officers were on-site in the Meadowbank area, looking for a cat that had been hit by a car. The cat had run after being hit and we knew he was hurt. Officers saw blood and were not sure if the cat would survive left on his own. After several days, we finally tracked him down with the help of the community and Melvin came into care here at PEIHS.


As you can see in our photo above, Melvin had sustained trauma to his eye from the impact with the car. In addition to this, his teeth were cracked and chipped from the incident.

Melvin’s eye could have resulted in intense scarring or glaucoma down the road, so we had the eye removed and tested to ensure that we would not suffer any undue pain or discomfort. We were truly not sure what the diagnostic testing would show when the results came back but after what he went through, our whole team was hoping for the best.

Thankfully, after surgery, a full belly, a warm bed, and some love and care, Melvin received a clean bill of health. Though he is now a one-eyed kitty with some missing and battered teeth (he lost both of his upper canines), we have been able to determine that he is a spirit cat in need of a good home. Sweet and loving on his own terms, the PEI Humane Society believes that he deserves the best possible shot at a good life in a loving home that can keep him indoors permanently. This little guy has seen enough of the mean streets for now.

Melvin’s care, surgery, and diagnostics on his eye were taken care of thanks to YOUR donations. We put out the call for Oaklynn, and our community donated enough funds to make it possible for us to care for multiple animals, including Melvin. THANK YOU!

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