
Sign the Petition! PEIHS Partners with Humane Canada for Affordable Housing Reform
August 6, 2024


The PEI Humane Society is no stranger to the impact of the lack of affordable pet-friendly housing in the province. Therefore we are very proud to announce that we’re partnering with Humane Canada to advocate for a national-level change.

We are asking Islanders to use their voices to create a more inclusive and compassionate housing system in Canada! The PEI Humane Society has partnered with Humane Canada and MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith to launch petition e-5046 to the House of Commons.

Add you name here:

At the PEI Humane Society, we understand the profound bond between people and their pets. Canadians love, value, and rely on the emotional support of their pets, making them an integral part of many households. To strengthen this bond and support pet owners, we are excited to announce our new partnership with Humane Canada. Together, we are advocating for pet-friendly housing to be put into law across Canada, and we need your support to make this a reality. We invite Island residents to sign the petition linked below to help us in this crucial effort.

The Importance of Pets in Canadian Households

More than 60% of Canadian households have cats and dogs, and over 70% of these pet owners consider their animals to be family members. This statistic underscores the deep connection between Canadians and their pets. Pets provide numerous benefits to Canadians, such as reducing stress, depression, and loneliness, and improving social connectedness. These benefits align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing the role pets play in enhancing our quality of life.

The Impact of Pet Restrictions in Rental Housing

Despite the overwhelming evidence of the benefits pets bring to our lives, many Canadians face significant challenges due to pet restrictions in rental housing. These restrictions can lead to housing insecurity, mental health impacts, and even homelessness for some tenants with pets. Vulnerable populations, including young people, seniors, and individuals with disabilities, are disproportionately affected by these policies.

One of the most common reasons people surrender their pets to the PEI Humane Society is the loss of (or inability to find) suitable housing. This issue is becoming more prevalent across the country due to national economic challenges. Discriminating against renters with pets not only leads to increased pet surrenders but also contributes to the vulnerability and precarious housing situations for many Canadians. Animal shelters across the country are currently in crisis and operating at full capacity.

Though we know many pet owners say they would live outside before giving up their pet, why should they be forced to make that choice?

The Benefits of Pet-Inclusive Housing for Landlords

Creating pet-friendly housing is not only beneficial for tenants but also advantageous for landlords. Allowing pets in rental properties can lead to increased tenant retention and foster a stronger sense of community within residential buildings. By supporting pet-inclusive housing, landlords can contribute to a more stable and harmonious living environment for all residents.

Take Action: Sign the Petition for Pet-Friendly Housing

We urge Island residents to join us in advocating for pet-friendly housing laws across Canada. By signing the petition, you will be supporting a movement that aims to protect the bond between people and their pets, reduce the number of animals surrendered to shelters, and promote mental health and well-being for all Canadians.

[Sign the Petition Here]

Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every pet owner has the opportunity to live with their beloved companions in safe and secure housing. Thank you for your support!

For more information about the PEI Humane Society and our initiatives, please visit our website or contact us directly. Let’s work together to create a more inclusive and compassionate community for pets and their owners.


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